Assignment Aid

Professional essay writing service
for your academic needs

How it All Works

01. We hire the best experts

Only one out of five applicants becomes a part of our team. To work with us, writers have to pass several online tests on English and on disciplines they are going to cover.

02. We educate our writers

Every newcomer goes through a three-month mentorship program. During this period, they receive training on various types of formatting and kinds of academic writing.

03. We write every paper from scratch

We don’t use pre-written essays and compose every assignment according to our clients’ instructions. Remember that the more details you provide, the more personalized your paper will be.

04. We double-check every paper before delivery

Before you receive your assignment, our managers check it with our in-house plagiarism-detection software. Thus, we can guarantee you 100% original writing.

05. We keep in touch 24/7

Our support team will help you with any questions and inquiries via phone, email, or Livechat whenever you need them.

06. We offer free revisions

Apply for free editing if you notice any discrepancies between your instructions and the paper you receive. Your writer edits task for free.

07. We’re ready to recognize our faults

Our transparent refund policy is our ultimate satisfaction guarantee. Get your money back if anything goes wrong with your order.

08. We always strive to become better

We analyze your feedback to improve our service and become the best assignment help provider on the academic writing market.